For years I kept a picture above my bed that said, “Did you think to pray?” I’ve often wanted to add one on my bedroom door that read, “Are You coming with me?” If the answer is no, than I probably forgot to heed the first reminder.

Mormon PrayerLet me explain. Many years ago I listened while a woman I admired and respected. She talked about what it was like for her in the month following her husband’s sudden death. She shared how difficult it was for her just to get out of bed and get out the door to meet her responsibilities. How did she go on? How did she continue to put one foot in front of the other even when it seemed they would not, no could not move? She relied on the Savior.

You see, every morning she started her day with the normal routines of a disciple. She read her scriptures and said her prayers. She dressed and took care of all her daily needs. Then, she prepared to walk out the door and into the world. She explained that many days that was the hardest part, just opening the door and going out. When it seemed too much for her she would stop with her hand on the door and offer another prayer. Simply, “Are you coming with me, Lord? I need you. I don’t think I can make it through this day without you. Please, stay with me.”

Sometimes additional tears were shed but in the end her heart and limbs received the strength they needed to “make it through the day”.

I remember the feelings within my own heart as I witnessed the strength this woman had found in the Savior’s love and knew I wanted that, too.

Perhaps for the disciple of Christ, this is the most important question we need to ask. As we go out into the world to represent His name and love we need to know, “Are You coming with me, Jesus?”

When was the last time you specifically asked Jesus to be with you as you went about the actives of your day? The next question is, if you invited Him, did you at some point forget He was an invited guest and let your actions drive Him from your presence again? How long was it before you noticed He was not longer, in fact could not be, with you?

Often, keeping the Savior with us during our busy overwhelming days is a simple matter of putting Him first. Start your day with His words from the scriptures and pray. He notices when we invite Him in to our lives this way. We’ve broken down a lot of barriers that may have kept us from recognizing His presence beside us because we put Him first and sought Him out at the start of the day. Invite Him to walk beside you and see what strength He will provide.

Put your hand on the door, then pause to ask, “Are you coming with me today, Jesus? I can’t do this alone.”

If the heavens are silent, stop, turn around and begin your day again until the Spirit can be with you.

About Alison P

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