I have been working on a family project of sorts capturing events and personal histories meaningful to our family. These stories and pictures bring back such memories.
You know that I always felt my dad was an incredibly wise man. I think many of us saw that in my children’s Grandpa. His perspective was spot on and always insightful and appreciated. With that in mind, I have particularly valued the following comment from his journal:
If I were to lose everything I had and could only save a couple things, I’d grab my scriptures and my Grandpa’s journal.
When I first read that, I knew dad must know something I did not yet understand about the importance of family histories. As of late, I believe I am beginning to see the light.
I am now just starting to comprehend the tremendous value of the words and memory of our ancestors. Because of them, we are showered with blessings. Because of them, we have become the people that we are today. I believe the quality of these people finds expression in each of us.
What I have come to appreciate is that my dad did in fact see the value of the stories of his predecessors, and he treasured their experiences, wisdom, and insights as benefits and blessings of his own. The tremendous discoveries and current technologies are wonderful and awe-inspiring, yet they are but a drop in the bucket of the approaching ways and means we will do family history. We are just now coming to realize the methods we can use to do so much good moving God’s work forward.
This work is beautiful, interesting, fun and exciting. It’s like a symphony as you discover who you are. We all play a part; none of us do it alone. Each one has important contributions to make and our abilities are magnified in the process. And when you face obstacles that seem to stand in your way, just keep listening, and pretty soon you will figure out your part.
The melody carries us along. And the discoveries keep us moving.
Talent is borne in God-given qualities.
People’s talents in our very midst often surprise us that way.
That’s the joy of discovering your family history.
What piece will you play?
Walter Penning
In 1989, Walter Penning formed a consultancy based in Salt Lake City and empowered his clients by streamlining processes and building a loyal, lifetime customer base with great customer service. His true passion is found in his family. He says the best decision he ever made was to marry his sweetheart and have children. The wonderful family she has given him and her constant love, support, and patience amid life's challenges is his panacea.
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