When I was just getting started, Alan Ashton changed my life.
I met this infamous business icon when I was a young father recently graduated from Brigham Young University. We all knew of Alan’s success, because he had been a professor at the school prior to launching his multi-million-dollar company.
My position at WordPerfect wasn’t the first job I had post-graduation, but it was definitely the most significant. It led my life’s work into the field of technology before widespread use of personal computers, cell phones, or the Internet. His success gave me hope and an opportunity in my own ventures.

Alan Ashton
And I remember his gathering the flourishing company together frequently to speak to us. As he began, he would thank us up-and-down for our contributions and dedication. I would think “How can you be so grateful to us? We have you to thank for all of this.” Alan didn’t require our respect; he earned it. He is a very wise man.
I remember at social gatherings sponsored by WordPerfect dancing alongside Alan and his family at company holiday parties held in the ELWC ballroom at BYU. We all did. Christmas buffets with tables piled high with shrimp were celebrations we won’t soon forget. Alan put together the remarkable WordPerfect corporation, arranged for top-grade insurance—free to all employees—and built a campus and great working environment for all of us. He was down-to-earth and kind and saw in me potential that I didn’t know I had.
Alan shared his earnings with the team. I played a relatively small, seemingly insignificant role in the overall success of the company, but Alan appreciated my contribution and showed us that he really meant it. One year he sent employees and their spouses to Hawaii for Christmas. I remember my first Christmas bonus was $2,000. That was more money than I had ever seen to that point in my life. It is a significant windfall even today.
All through my career, I have met men and women who acquired their initial start at WordPerfect. It’s truly amazing the effect one person can have on the lives of literally millions of others. Companies, people, and the technology industry are better today because of the contributions of Alan Ashton. Now, I work in a company that purchased the land for its offices from Alan. His vision and far-reaching influence is apparent even today. I remember how I loved working for him. It was an honor of which I am still proud, nearly two dozen years later.
I was not a member of the executive team. I was just a regular employee, but Alan never made me feel ordinary. If you ask him these days, he won’t remember my name, but I will never forget his.
My connection with Alan Ashton is significant to me.
I was looking for a story about Alan that demonstrated his kind, giving nature and typifies the kind of man he has become. I didn’t have to look very far.
Just up the valley from the WordPerfect headquarters, Alan established the Thanksgiving Point gardens. Wikipedia tells us that after WordPerfect was acquired by Novell and Ashton’s responsibilities were alleviated, he and Karen founded Thanksgiving Point. Thanksgiving Point is located in Lehi, Utah, within 20 miles of WordPerfect’s former corporate headquarters in Orem.
“We wanted to create something for the people around us,” says Ashton. “We’ve been blessed financially and with a large family. We wanted to give something back to the community and the families in our area.”
Today, Thanksgiving Point provides the community with a place where adults and children can learn about farming, gardening and cooking. Additionally, Thanksgiving Point provides the community with a championship caliber golf course, a museum of ancient life and a movie theater.
Testimony of Alan C. Ashton
I am one of the co-founders of WordPerfect Corporation and am indebted to the gospel of Jesus Christ for the happiness and joy in my life. My parents were both members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and my mother’s father, David O. McKay, was the prophet and president of the Church.

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Even with that close connection to the leader of the Church my testimony did not come from him, nor did it come from my parents. They were certainly influential in my attending Church meetings in my youth, but my conviction of the truth came from my individual study and obedience to the gospel principles. In middle school and high school I became interested in the stories and teachings in the scriptures which included the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
In the Church these are called the standard works. I enjoyed my Sunday School classes and Seminary classes. I loved the teaching of my 9th grade seminary teacher so much that during the summer when school was out I rode my bike three miles to his home early in the morning three times a week to hear him teach and explain the New Testament parables of Jesus. (excerpt – click link above for full text)
Walter Penning
In 1989, Walter Penning formed a consultancy based in Salt Lake City and empowered his clients by streamlining processes and building a loyal, lifetime customer base with great customer service. His true passion is found in his family. He says the best decision he ever made was to marry his sweetheart and have children. The wonderful family she has given him and her constant love, support, and patience amid life's challenges is his panacea.
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