As a member of the LDS church, we are blessed and privileged to hear the words of our loving and living prophet twice a year.  This is called General Conference.  When I was a wee lass, we watched it on the television, and I admit, I thought it was boring!  But now that I am older, and have grown a bigger testimony, I look forward to listening to conference.  


Primary Sharing TIme

Today during sharing time in Primary, the teachers were reading the words to the ninth verse of “Follow the Prophet.”


Now we have a world where, people are confused.

If you don’t believe it, go and watch the news.


It made me choke up a little bit, because that statement is truer today, then when that song was written in 1989.   It makes me so sad that people are so lost, and so confused.  The violent crimes that are committed against children, animals, and every day normal people, make me sick to my stomach.  I avoid listening to the news most days because it is just too sad to hear. Not to mention the political side of things that are going on.  


During conference, our living prophet and his apostles speak to us.  Their talks, which could be compared to a sermon, are inspired by our Father in Heaven.  For me, there have always been one or two talks that hit home for me.  But, all of the talks are wonderful!  They give us insight on how to raise our children, how to strengthen our testimonies, how to serve others, or endure our trials.  


Whatever the topic may end up being, there will always be something that stands out to someone, and teaches us what our Father in Heaven wants us to know.  I love that we have this opportunity to hear what our Heavenly Father wants us to hear, and learn.  


Thomas S. Monson speaking in LDS General Conference.

I have also recently listened to a talk from a licensed clinical social worker about the reason we were all chosen to live on the earth during this time.  One reason we are here is to bring the gospel to others in a time that people are unsure of the path they need to choose.  As a member of the LDS church, I have a hard time sharing the gospel with my words, but instead, I usually try to portray Christ like love as an example of my faith.  


I help others by offering any assistance I can give; I enjoy smiling at the strangers in the store, or making sure I am not in the way, or even offering to help reach for something, or load their groceries onto the belt. I do this regardless of their origin or religion, and not for anything other than; I’m trying to be like Jesus.  I love the example that he led while he was alive here on earth.  I enjoy showing kindness to all I meet.  It brings me joy to know that I may have made that person feel special or important in that moment.


Everyone has a purpose.  Someone may be having a bad day, and they might just need to be shown a little kindness to help their day.  Or even to help bring awareness to the little things in life.  Mother Teresa once said,


“Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house.  Give love to your children, to your wife of husband, to a next door neighbor…Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.  Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.”


Mother Teresa

While Mother Teresa was not a member of the LDS Church, her acts of loving kindness emulated Christ like love.  I love to read about her, and compare what she believed by her actions, and how she even learned to pray, to our beliefs in the LDS church.  They are quite similar, and I know that she gave her life to serve the Lord, and be as an instrument.   


Our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson has also been chosen as an instrument of the Lord.  He has asked all of us to live a Christ like life.  One way to do that is show Christ like love.  This is an unconditional love.  Those are words that our Father in Heaven has asked President Monson to share with us, and to continually impress upon us.  


I invite everyone to sit and listen to General Conference on Saturday April 1st, and Sunday April 2nd, when our prophet and his apostles will address us for the first time in 2017, to share what Heavenly Father would like us to hear.  Take notes, jot down questions to ask someone in the church, whether you are not a baptized member, or you have become an inactive member of the church.  The last two lines in the 9th verse of “Follow the Prophet,” are:


We can get direction all along our way.

If we heed the prophets—follow what they say.


If you would like to read more of Maya’s articles, please click here.

Friends, I bear my testimony to you that I know Jesus lived on this earth, and gave his life for all of us.  He knows every pain, every ounce of anguish we endure.  He knows our joys, he knows our sadness.  I know that our Father in Heaven has appointed a living prophet for today which is a mouthpiece for Him.


We just need to listen to our Prophet, and pray to our Father in Heaven, and we will be guided to the right path.  I leave this with you in the name of our beloved brother and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.  I love you all!


About Maya Oak
I'm a Supermom and wife who works full time. I love cooking for my family and friends. But most of all, I love the Gospel and my journey back to it!

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