This morning I speak about the power of the Book of Mormon and the critical need we have as members of this Church to study, ponder, and apply its teachings in our lives. The importance of having a firm and sure testimony of the Book of Mormon cannot be overstated.
When our prophet, President Monson shared these words the world this last April, I determined to do everything I could to bring the Book of Mormon more fully into my life and into my family’s life. To that end, I found a cute coloring page for our family reading—every chapter read means another part of the picture is colored in.
For myself, I decided that I would read the Book of Mormon in 40 days. Why 40 days? I guess because that’s how long Christ fasted in the wilderness. I often feel like I’m wandering in the wilderness of life!
So I divided the Book of Mormon up and began. The first couple days, I curled up and read my allotted pages. Then, I fell behind by a day. Then I remembered this incredible tool of AUDIO SCRIPTURE! So, I listened! I listened as I drove here, there and everywhere, running errands and kids all over town.
I listened as I painted my daughter’s room, as I folded laundry, as I sat in the doctor’s office (with ear buds plugged into my head!) … I discovered that there was a LOT of time in my day to accomplish this goal!
I also discovered that I was getting MORE done in my day than before! I don’t know how or why, but in addition to the expected blessing of feeling closer to the Lord, I also seemed to have more time in my day!
The quiet calm I felt as I engaged in this challenge made me ask myself, “Why do I allow myself to fall out of the habit of deeply immersing myself in scripture?!?”
There is power in challenging ourselves to make more room in our lives for God. I experienced this for myself as I completed this challenge. It did take me longer than 40 days … actually closer to 45. And there were many days that I was playing catch-up to get the required reading done.
However, at the end of the experience, I had a better feel for the timeline of events. I saw the patterns of how the Lord works in our lives repeated throughout the stories and saw the parallels with my own life. I grew closer to the Lord and I am so grateful I did this.
Please, if you are at all feeling inclined to try this challenge for yourself, I encourage you to do so. The blessings are amazing and you will discover far more minutes in your day than you imagined!
Here is the schedule for your own journey to reading the Book of Mormon in 40 Days. Scroll to the bottom for a Free Printable of this schedule.
Day 1– 1 Nephi 1-8
Day 2– 1 Nephi 9-15
Day 3– 1 Nephi 16-20
Day 4– 1 Nephi 21-22, & 2 Nephi 1-3
Day 5– 2 Nephi 4-9
Day 6– 2 Nephi 10-19
Day 7– 2 Nephi 20-26
Day 8– 2 Nephi 27-33
Day 9– Jacob 1-5
Day 10– Jacob 6-7, Enos, Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon
Day 11– Mosiah 1-6
Day 12– Mosiah 7-12
Day 13– Mosiah 13-19
Day 14– Mosiah 20-26
Day 15– Mosiah 27-29 & Alma 1-2
Day 16– Alma 3-7
Day 17– Alma 8-12
Day 18– Alma 13-18
Day 19– Alma 19-23
Day 20– Alma 24-29
Day 21– Alma 30-33
Day 22– Alma 34-39
Day 23– Alma 40-44
Day 24-Alma 45-49
Day 25– Alma 50-54
Day 26– Alma 55-60
Day 27– Alma 60-63, & Helaman 1-3
Day 28– Helaman 4-8
Day 29– Helaman 9-14
Day 30– Helaman 15-16, & 3 Nephi 1-5
Day 31– 3 Nephi 6-12
Day 32– 3 Nephi 13-19
Day 33– 3 Nephi 20-27
Day 34– 3 Nephi 28-30, & 4 Nephi
Day 35– Mormon 1-4
Day 36– Mormon 5-9
Day 37– Ether 1-7
Day 38– Ether 8-15
Day 39– Moroni 1-8
Day 40– Moroni 9-10
Emlee Taylor
Growing up all over the world gave Emlee Taylor an opportunity to see the incredible differences the Lord created in humanity; and even better, the passions we all share as members of the human race: love for family, faith, & a desire to make a difference.
Emlee lives life with passion—focusing her time now on raising four children and teaching them to recognize truth and to live true to that truth, regardless of others’ expectations. Emlee is passionately in love with her bestest friend and husband of more than 20 years.
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I’ve scrolled to the bottom and can’t find the free printable. Can you please tell me where it is.
Hi Marcelle! So sorry about that. We’ve added the the link to the PDF back in — not sure why it got taken out! Thanks for your patience.