There we were sitting in Sunday school, talking about faith. Our teacher asked us each to think of someone in the scriptures who had shown incredible faith. Noah, Moses, and the Mormon Pioneers were all mentioned. As I sat there, I was caught by a wave of emotion thinking of the huge obstacles these people faced. How could they have done the incredible things the Lord asked of them?
Where did Noah get the faith to build an ark on dry ground, without a cloud in the sky? Why did the pioneers feel they weren’t heading to their doom as they packed up and traveled into the vast wild west? And how could Moses leave comforts as the son of Pharaoh to lead slaves to freedom, risking certain death?
Then it hit me. They didn’t “suddenly” do anything. These huge miracles they are known for were a lifetime in the making. The Lord guided them and helped them build their faith in Him one step at a time. So by the time the huge miracles they are best known for were upon them, they were ready. By then they didn’t question, they may not have had time to do so. And they stepped forward to change human history.
Am I living my life to have the same moments full of faith building experiences, so that when the moment I was born for arrives, I am ready to step forward? Like you, I have no idea where that great challenge will be. But I know the Lord is quietly working in all our lives to be sure we have every opportunity to build our faith. To become all He wants us to become.
In the scriptures the Lord compares faith to a mustard seed. He tells us that if we even have the desire to have faith, He can work with that. So you and I don’t need boatloads of faith. If we don’t feel we have much, just wishing to have more will let God help us. I am sure there was a day when Noah was just a boy and he prayed about a question he had. And that initial moment of reaching out to God began his journey to becoming the Lord’s prophet.
I have a lot of stories I could share with you where the Lord has been trying to help me build my faith. It’s not where I want it to be yet. But it’s growing. I have a quote I love that says “It doesn’t matter where you are, but which direction you are pointing.” The Lord sees our potential, even when we don’t. I am still in awe of Noah, Moses, and the Mormon Pioneers. But now I feel like they make more sense, and their life stories are more probable. Because God built these amazing people a little at a time. Just like He is building you and me.
Patty Sampson
Patty thrives on all things creative. You’ll often find her in the garden pretending she is a suburban farmer. She loves meeting new people, and is devoted to her friends and family. In her heart she is a Midwesterner even though life has moved her all over the country. She believes in “blooming where you’re planted” and has found purpose in every place she has been. She has a deep and abiding love for the Savior and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And she loves editing LDS Blogs because it is a constant spiritual uplift. Not many people can say their job builds their witness of the Savior.
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