Many people enjoy this time of year. Spring brings pleasant temperatures, beautiful flowers and shrubbery, and a break from the cold. What’s not to like?
I ran across a priceless gift my son gave to my wife a couple of years ago. It was lying face down on the carpet. When I stooped to pick it up, I noticed these words written on the back with a Sharpie permanent marker:
February 14, 2013 – Valentine’s Day
I hope you always remember how beautiful I think you are. Let this mirror forever remind you.
That is just like my son. I am frequently reminded of his goodness. It is apparent in his life, in his family, and in his desire to be a force for good in everything he does. I am a better man because of him.
If only he knew how spot on he is. I am a very lucky man. I can tell you from experience that the most beautiful things in life are not what we may first expect. Our perspective changes the way we see things. Every person on earth has beauty—all of us—in that our potential is unlimited. We come from good lineage with a myriad of commendable talents that are both recognizable and some hidden from view. We are all told to have faith in Jesus Christ and believe in Him. His view of us is perfect and accurate. So what is the Savior’s perspective of us?
Elder Dale G. Renlund shared a touching experience about a time when he encountered a situation beyond his ability as a healthcare professional. As a physician, he learned to care about people and how to solve problems.
“I now realize that in the Church, to effectively serve others we must see them through a parent’s eyes, through Heavenly Father’s eyes. Only then can we begin to comprehend the true worth of a soul. Only then can we sense the love that Heavenly Father has for all of His children. Only then can we sense the Savior’s caring concern for them. We cannot completely fulfill our covenant obligation to mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort unless we see them through God’s eyes” (Dale G. Renlund, “Through God’s Eyes,” October 2015).
Now Elder Renlund’s emphasis has changed from a medical doctor to a physician of souls!
Despite our intentions, effort, and desire to help and bless others in our family, neighborhoods, and communities throughout the world, after all we can do, sometimes we must still look to the Savior and have faith in Him to get us out of insurmountable predicaments.
There are many examples of His help and strength. Others have shared their experiences, which, in turn, helps me to see occasions in my own life that I may have previously taken for granted.
President Spencer W. Kimball was the prophet of my youth. His eloquence and precision still impress me today. He faced insurmountable obstacles both as a boy and a man, yet he remained faithful. His uncanny insight and counsel still ring true today:
“Remember, O youth of a noble birthright, that “wickedness never was happiness.” The unrighteous may pretend to be happy and may seek to entice others into such a way of life because misery loves company, as you know, but you will never see a happy sinner. Even the discontent of good people is traceable to such shortcomings as they have.
A casual observer may feel that an unrighteous person “has it made,” and for a fleeting moment it may even seem so. But gross sin produces a deep emptiness. Thus the wicked seem to do more of the same in order to reassure themselves and to try to fill the void. When you see a life filled with desperation, there is transgression in it. We may pity such people, but it is wrong and naive to envy them!” (Spencer W. Kimball, “President Kimball Speaks Out on Planning Your Life,” New Era, September 1981)
Young men of the Aaronic Priesthood, you have been born at this time for a sacred and glorious purpose. It is not by chance that you have been reserved to come to earth in this last dispensation of the fullness of times. Your birth at this particular time was foreordained in the eternities.
You are to be the royal army of the Lord in the last days. As we sing in the hymn “Carry On,” you are the “youth of the noble birthright.”
Then-Elder Russell M. Nelson testified of what is sure to come:
“In a coming day, you will present yourself before the Savior. You will be overwhelmed to the point of tears to be in His holy presence. You will struggle to find words to thank Him for paying for your sins, for forgiving you of any unkindness toward others, for healing you from the injuries and injustices of this life.
You will thank Him for strengthening you to do the impossible, for turning your weaknesses into strengths, and for making it possible for you to live with Him and your family forever. His identity, His Atonement, and His attributes will become personal and real to you.
But you don’t have to wait until then. Choose to be one of His true disciples now. Be one who truly loves Him, who truly wants to serve and lead as He did” (Russell M. Nelson, “Prophets, Leadership, and Divine Law,” Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults, January 2017)

To read more of Walter’s articles, click here.
In a blog entry on, President Nelson quoted this excerpt of the devotional and wrote:
I promise you that if you will study His words, your ability to be more like Him will increase. I know this is true.
Often the good we enjoy comes from unexpected hardship and unanticipated blessings.
Far be it from me to disagree or not believe. His works are infinite.
All of us are recipients of this priceless gift.
Walter Penning
In 1989, Walter Penning formed a consultancy based in Salt Lake City and empowered his clients by streamlining processes and building a loyal, lifetime customer base with great customer service. His true passion is found in his family. He says the best decision he ever made was to marry his sweetheart and have children. The wonderful family she has given him and her constant love, support, and patience amid life's challenges is his panacea.
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