We are told in multiple places, such as Job 38:7, that when we learned of the role of the Savior and His plan for us to come to earth, we shouted for joy. Do you still feel that way?
We teach our children that shouts for joy rang out in the Grand Council in pre-earth life when Heavenly Father told us about that great plan of happiness. Joyful anticipation for the “great plan of happiness” isn’t something we feel just once. That reaction can be a daily response—it can and should be a constant reaction, I believe.
The glorious message of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached through the millennia of time. Missionaries of today and yesterday follow the Spirit every day as they demonstrate courage to teach this beautiful plan for all of God’s children in the world.
And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach.
When I write, I try to do the same thing as those missionaries. And this morning, as I was contemplating this article, I felt prompted to limit my writing in favor of the following video.
“Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.”
This message in the video above is less than an hour, and it could change your life. Better than that, it’s all about you!
Still unsure that you want to stop reading now and watch it? See the following teasers:
1) Ancestors daily cheer for us and our success; they help us prepare for the Second Coming
2) The grace and love of Jesus Christ and his marvelous gift to all of us is real
3) Our eternal destiny and the crowning doctrine is eternal marriage and families
You’ll have to watch the video to hear about these and other experiences, along with the answers to seven powerful questions and much more.
I know you will be glad that you did, because this message was written for you.
Have you ever thought, “It’s not fair”? Of course you have; we all have felt that way. In the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, some labored all day and others but an hour, yet all received the same wage—and some felt it wasn’t fair. In the Passover tradition of releasing a prisoner, the people cried out to release Barabbas, a vile sinner who had perpetrated many crimes. He was given freedom from prison while the sinless Christ was accused. Again, we are inclined to think, “It’s not fair!”
Certainly it was not fair to release a sinner in place of the perfect Son. But we can be grateful for that. In a very real sense, every one of us is a Barabbas who is set free despite our weakness, sins, and imperfections. Likewise, each one of us receives the full wage despite our various lesser time laboring in the Lord’s vineyard. Because we follow the Lord, we do not receive what we really “deserve.”
Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, if we will follow Him and try to keep His commandments, we are freed from the clutches of justice and set free when justice’s demands would otherwise condemn us forever.
You might be thinking that this isn’t fair, and you would be right. It is not fair. If we received what we really deserved, none of the tremendous blessings of the gospel would be ours. We would not live as families forever. We would not be exalted to heaven and live in peace and happiness. We would not enjoy a multitude of blessings for an eternity to come. Justice would ensure that these things would never become ours. But we are not advocating for justice. We are seeking for mercy.
Because of the Savior Jesus Christ, we have an opportunity to obtain mercy for all our foolish mistakes, our gross blunders, slip-ups and errors. None of us deserves heaven. We all fall short. But because of the Savior, our best is good enough, and when we goof up, we are allowed second, third, and fourth chances (and so on)… And with time and the Atonement of Jesus Christ, our efforts are enough to qualify for exaltation.
That’s not new. It’s not strange or unbelievable. It makes perfect sense. It engenders hope, peace, and joy. That is the great message of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ! That knowledge carries you and me though hardship and lands us victorious
Don’t believe me? You needn’t take my word for it. There are tens of thousands of others that feel just like me. Listen to what they say. You’ll be glad you did.
No. This isn’t too good to be true. To me, that’s the best part. The truths and teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ have an immediate and long-lasting effect. You and I don’t have to wait until we die to see that the authenticity of these blessings is true and real. We can and do know right now.

To read more of Walter’s articles, click here.
We can experience joy every day, and it keeps getting better. You still need not take my word for it.
You can know for yourself.
And that’s really worth shouting about. Hallelujah!
Walter Penning
In 1989, Walter Penning formed a consultancy based in Salt Lake City and empowered his clients by streamlining processes and building a loyal, lifetime customer base with great customer service. His true passion is found in his family. He says the best decision he ever made was to marry his sweetheart and have children. The wonderful family she has given him and her constant love, support, and patience amid life's challenges is his panacea.
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