I received an amazing miracle story from Sœur Summer Spendlove. I love and celebrate stories of miracles and being an instrument in the hand of God. I treasure these stories in our lives.
This story that Sœur Summer Spendlove shared showed ways she heard the voice of the Lord, how she responded, and then the outcome she experienced from heeding the promptings she received. We don’t always see the outcomes of following the Spirit, but it’s wonderful when we do. I’m so grateful that Sœur Summer Spendlove recognized how she was an instrument in the hand of God as she followed His divine promptings.
Sœur Summer Spendlove and Her Miracle on a Friday
Friday: THIS DAY A MIRACLE HAPPENED!!!! Friday is the day Sœur Simpson and I had our first French lesson. We were both so nervous, excited, and really just wanted to express God’s love for the woman we were teaching.
Before entering the Zoom call, I had said a prayer to really be able to do this and follow the Spirit. Soon after, I got a prompting to open “La Paix en Christ” which is the French version of one of my favorite songs “Peace in Christ.” I didn’t know why it popped into my head, but I followed the prompting anyway.
Then, I was about to open Google Translate to help me during the lesson and I heard a distinct voice in my head asking me, “Don’t you trust Me?” You guys, I sat up so straight, closed the Google Translate tab, and said, “Uhh, yes, of course.”
The lesson then started and I was sooooo nervous. Cepandant, Dorothée was immediately welcoming and we started some small talk. Then, we started our lesson and began to teach about la foi (faith) in Jesus Christ. She expressed that she has faith and loves God and Jesus Christ.
We were so happy and continued our lesson by reading Moroni 7:32-33. This scripture talks about how we can do anything with faith, so we asked Dorothée what she has done with faith. She replied, “Bonne question,” and sat in silence for a few moments pondering the question.
What Have You Done With Faith?
She began to cry and I immediately felt the Spirit hit me like a bus. In that moment, I felt so much love for this daughter of God and I wanted to do everything I could to express that love for her.
She told us about a difficulty in her life when her mom, still living in France and her moving to the US, got cancer. The story she shared was vulnerable and so powerful. I felt tears starting to come to my eyes as I expressed to her that Heavenly Father loves her and her family and I am grateful for her faith. We started talking more about faith and the power of prayer, and Dorothée explained that she feels like she has been missing the presence of God in her life, but that prayer is kind of difficult for her.
As I was pondering what to say, “La Paix en Christ” popped back into my head and I knew that was the moment that Heavenly Father had planned it for. Discussing this later, Sœur Simpson and I realized the song was able to express our testimonies better than we could in that moment due to our limited French. The song ended and Dorothée thanked us for sharing because it helped her.
Sœur SImpson and I both bore our testimonies and then invited her to say a sincere prayer and ask God for peace and comfort in her life. She agreed and we are so excited to follow up with her. It is very clear that the Lord loves her.
Throughout the lesson, I was able to put words together quicker than normal and I was even given words to say during the song that I wrote and used when the song was over. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways and that entire lesson felt like a miracle to me.
After the lesson, Sœur SImpson and I felt exhausted because we had put ALL of our energy into the lesson and the adrenaline pumping did not help either, haha. We were SO excited with how the lesson went and we were so excited to see the Lord’s hand work through us. The reason that lesson went well was because the Spirit taught and that’s really all we can ask for. I am NEVER getting over how awesome that lesson was and I am so excited to teach again next week.
Delisa Hargrove
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have moved 64 times and have not tired of experiencing this beautiful earth! I love the people, languages, histories/anthropologies, & especially religious cultures of the world. My life long passion is the study & searching out of religious symbolism, specifically related to ancient & modern temples. My husband Anthony and I love our bulldog Stig, adventures, traveling, movies, motorcycling, and time with friends and family.