The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints currently has over 50,000 full-time missionaries serving throughout the world. Many members of the Church are called to serve as stake and ward missionaries in the and beliefs with others. They are considered to be member missionaries.


Missionary MormonsWhy does the LDS Church put such a strong emphasis on missionary work? Because the Lord commanded it.


“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15


Latter-day Saints believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the restoration of the church Christ organized during His ministry on earth; they believe that the LDS Church is the only one to contain the full gospel of Jesus Christ. As such, members of the Church believe it is their responsibility to share the message of Jesus Christ and the doctrines of the LDS Church with all of God’s children.


It is because of their belief in a restored church that members of the Church seek out all who might be interested in learning more. They naturally want to share this knowledge with all who will hear their message. They share because of love for the gospel and love for their friends and neighbors.


Latter-day Saints are not only encouraged by their leaders to share the gospel with love and respect, but to also honor the religious beliefs of our friends and neighbors.


“But even more important than respecting other churches for the good work they do, we should respect our fellow human beings—not in spite of their beliefs, but because of them! A man or woman who carefully obeys all the laws and teachings of the Catholic or Buddhist or Shinto or Lutheran religion is obviously striving to do right.” (Gerald E. Jones, “Respect for Other People’s Beliefs,” Ensign, Oct 1977, 69)


It is not the desire of the LDS Church to condemn or criticize those of other faiths but to share their beliefs and knowledge to those who desire to learn more about them. Latter-day Saints are encouraged to share with an attitude of love, accepting their friends and neighbors as they are. Former Church President, George Albert Smith, explained:


“President George Albert Smith, a man of unusual warmth and compassion, expressed very cognecently the attitude we ought to take into a conversation with nonmembers: ‘We have come not to take away from you the truth and virtue you possess. We have come not to find fault with you nor to criticize you. We have not come to berate you because of things you have not done; but we have come here as your brethren. …


We are asking [you] to keep all the glorious truths that you have acquired in your churches, that you have absorbed from your scriptures. … Then let us sit down and share with you some of the things that have not yet come into your lives that have enriched our lives and made us happy.’ (Sharing the Gospel with Others, pp. 12–13, 217–19.).” (Gerald E. Jones, “Respect for Other People’s Beliefs,” Ensign, Oct 1977, 69)


When the Lord commanded all who believe in Him to go forth and “preach the gospel to every creature,” He did not say, “except those who might believe something else or who do not look interested.” His intent was for every person to hear His gospel and be provided an opportunity to accept or reject it by their own free will and choice. Therefore, every member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is obligated to share the message of the gospel with everyone.

About Rebecca W

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