Helping Kids Keep the Sabbath Day Holy

Helping Kids Keep the Sabbath Day Holy

If your kids are anything like my kids, the first thing they want to do on Sunday morning is turn on the television. At our house, cartoon exposure tends to stop at our two local PBS stations, meaning what they normally watch is all educational. Unfortunately when...
Treat Others with Kindness

Treat Others with Kindness

How we deal with other people has always been a big thing at my house. At least once or twice a day the kid’s will hear something to the effect of, “Be nice to each other” or “Treat each other with kindness.” If I could open up my kids’ heads and cross-stitch this...
Loving Your Teens: the Power of Quality Time

Loving Your Teens: the Power of Quality Time

Quality time can be one of the hardest languages of love to speak, especially for someone who doesn’t personally care about quality time. My oldest feels loved when we spend quality time with her. She’s constantly asking to do things together either with me or her...
Why Should Youth Double Date?

Why Should Youth Double Date?

Double dating isn’t just about morality or safety in numbers. It’s also a tool to help those of us who are socially inept find a way to have a great experience.   My to hit it off. I was thrilled when he asked me out around Halloween time.   John was polite...
Make a Difference Day

Make a Difference Day

Did you know the fourth Saturday in October is always Make a Difference Day? I’d like to tell you what we did to celebrate Make a Difference Day this year.   Our area had many fires last year. So we decided to help with the replanting projects.   We...
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