by Abby Christianson | Aug 5, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
A few months ago, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. They also found out my thyroid was shutting down. In the time since then, I’ve been getting healthier and feeling better and better. Part of my healing has been a little weight loss. Well, about 20 pounds of...
by Abby Christianson | Jul 1, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
The last few months, my family made a conscious decision to only have home church and not attend our regular ward. We were trying to help my high-functioning autistic son work some things out. But during that time, I remembered what it was like when I was inactive...
by Abby Christianson | Jun 10, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
I was driving yesterday with my son and we had an interesting conversation. Someone in his third grade class told him that the number of the beast was 666 and the number of God was 111. Interesting. The things kids talk about! Well, I don’t think there is any...
by Abby Christianson | Jun 3, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
My aunt is graduating this week — from Earth. And even though it hurts, I am happy I know where she is going. But it’s amazing what grief does to you. For me, it makes me tired, antisocial, and dehydrated. But it has also given me a clearer vision of what matters in...
by Abby Christianson | May 20, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
After years of letting others tell me how I should be, I’ve had enough. My whole life I have been considered “plus size”. I’m tall. Even on my wedding day, when I was an extra 15 pounds lighter, I was still 5’ 10” and wore a size 12. That was plus size, which in...
by Abby Christianson | Apr 29, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
This is the first in a new column series called Living in Harmony where I will explore how to better live in harmony with my fellow man, Mother Earth, my family, and anything that comes my way. Today I’d like to explore living in harmony with our homes, specifically...