by Abby Christianson | Jan 6, 2020 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
A few Sundays ago, at church, a man bore his testimony about the First Vision. He spoke beautifully and the spirit was there, until the moment he said, “Joseph Smith had struggled to say what he wanted to say, but when he tried again, he was able to speak to...
by Abby Christianson | Dec 16, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
I have had many callings during my life, but I never thought much about the process until recently. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, when you get a church job, it’s called a “calling.” The bishop (the leader of your congregation) calls...
by Abby Christianson | Dec 9, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
Today I got a new church calling (a volunteer opportunity or “job” assigned to members of the congregation). I am now the ward (congregation) choir director. I’m excited about it! Everyone who gets a calling gets set apart, or given a priesthood blessing...
by Abby Christianson | Dec 2, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
Have you ever wanted to be a kinder person? There are times when I am driving in rush hour traffic, or dealing with a tantrum, and my tension boils over. I get so worked up that it can take hours to calm down. Those are the times that I really want to be a kinder...
by Abby Christianson | Oct 21, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
I’ve recently learned an amazing chunk of information about the woman who touched Jesus’s clothes and was healed of her bleeding illness. It all started as I worked to accomplish a goal many years in the making. I love to sing. And I’ve sung in...
by Abby Christianson | Aug 12, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
View “Paradigms, Episode One” here. As I begin this article, I must tell you that the way we view the world is forever changing. Age, life experience, even when we were born colors our world. The good news is that you can change your personal...