In Tune with the Spirit

In Tune with the Spirit

Though my melodic inclinations are limited, I live among many who are gifted musicians and adeptly familiar with song and musical scores and the importance of being in tune. Harmony brings great joy and peace into our home and calms difficult storms that inevitably...
Love One Another

Love One Another

My wife and I taught the 13 and 14-year-old class a short time ago—Maddy and Tristan and Eliza and Shaun, two Sydnees and Josh and Trevor. We heard a story about a Sunday School teacher that told each student “I love you” every week. We adopted that strategy and our...
Because He Lives

Because He Lives

We had an interesting Sunday School lesson recently. The instructor asked us to read the hymn I Know That My Redeemer Lives (p136 in the hymnal) and share the lines that mean so much to us. Like you, I love this song, which has a history of influence in all our lives....
If I Let Him

If I Let Him

With the event of Easter, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released another Easter message as it did last year. This season’s airing is entitled #hallelujah Find New Life. Missionaries had access to the video on the missionary portal prior to its...
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