Faithfully Answering a Mission Call: The Example of Paul

Faithfully Answering a Mission Call: The Example of Paul

The Apostle Paul was a great missionary for the Lord. His mission was very demanding; it covered many countries and traveled many menacing miles. His ministry began on the day that the resurrected Lord Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus. While preaching the...

What is a census?

A census is a periodic count of a population. Whether it be of the human population. The first known census was taken by the Babylonians in 3800 BC and thereafter are a relatively small number of other known census takings until the practice became more common in more...

Preparedness – The Importance of Sleeping Bags

Ok. Winter is coming. For many, this means below-. But what if your furnace goes out? What then? Or even worse, as has happened in various parts of the country (and the world), sometimes there is a larger crisis. A cold snap strikes an area and the power is suddenly...

We Are Facing Difficult Times

The world seems to be tilting ever more out of control. From violent drought-ridden areas, indeed the world can be a tempestuous place. This is why I'm grateful for men such as President James E. Faust, a member of the First Presidency for the Church of Jesus Christ...

Gospel Centered Marriages

Gospel Centered Marriages

It is an awesome thing to be married. Or at least it can be. It is even better to be married in the temple of the Lord. Temples are mentioned in the Bible. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Gordon B. Hinckley, has said (click here for the full text):...

Personal Development

Personal Development

When was the last time you thought about you that "you" could be seen amongst the lost-and-found! Well, never fear, here is a little quiz to help you get to know "you" a little bit better. It might have been a while since you've asked yourself these questions, so go...


When was the last time you thought about your education? In the uncertain world we live in, keeping your education up-to-date is a choice full of wisdom. Men and women alike, it is in the best self-interest of all to seek learning. For example, President Hinckley...

A Brief Explanation of The Book of Mormon

The structure of the Book of Mormon is simple. It is a composite record of sacred writings from ancient American prophets. But before we explore the record Apparently the Jews considered God would do this, because when the revelation came to take the gospel to all the...

The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith

The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith

For some who are not familiar with the Bible, in the Old Testament, found in Amos 3:7: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Soon after Christ was crucified, the gospel began to be preached beyond the...

The Value of Witnesses

In Matthew 18:16, we read: “.” The scenario for this passage is the disciples had come unto the Savior asking, “who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Jesus taught His beautiful lesson, by placing a little child in front of the disciples and teaching them they...

An Introduction to the Book of Mormon

For those who are just learning about the Book of Introduction, which is placed just after the Title Page of the Book of Mormon. From the Introduction we learn that the Book of Mormon contains holy scripture similar to the Bible. But whereas the Bible contains...

Your First Calling

Your First Calling

One of the most exciting events for new members is to get the very first calling. A calling is a volunteer church position. It feels like such an honor—and it is—because it means you are trusted to take on a portion of the ward’s work. You’re a real part of the family...

Regaining Your Testimony

One of the challenges people face when returning to activity in the church is regaining their testimonies. Sometimes getting it back can seem more challenging than getting it the first time. The first time it was all new and exciting, while this time, you have to...

More LDS Related Blogs

More LDS Related Blogs

More and more faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ . So what is a blog anyway? A blog (short for weblog) is an online journal that is accessible to the public. Blogs have evolved. Today blogs may have a single author or multiple authors. A blog can simply be...

While There Is Time

Living off the land. What does that phrase invoke in your mind? Just recently my daughter and I found two Little House on the Prairie books gathering dust on our bookcase. As I spotted them, I pondered how self-sufficient the early settlers of the United States were....

‘Tis the Season to Be Ready…

I have to smile. While I'm sitting here blogging, my six-year-old son has changed the words to the tune "Deck the Halls" from the usual words, to ... "Tis the season to be ready ... La, la, la, la, la, la, la." I'm not sure how he came up with this creative phrase,...

What About Your Pet During Emergencies?

What About Your Pet During Emergencies?

Most people have pets. Some people have food storage. But how many have included pet needs in that food storage? I don’t know about you, but my family’s little Corgi dog is like a two year old. She looks to us to care for her in every way. It is up to us to provide...

Mormon Culture

Do you ever feel that when you were baptized you were dropped onto a strange new planet with a new language and jokes that don’t make sense? Perhaps because We tend to use phrases not heard in the ordinary world, and certain words that aren’t funny to anyone else can...

Mentoring a New Member

Mentoring a New Member

When a new member or an investigator comes to the . There is no one, other than the missionaries who will eventually leave, for them to turn to with questions or concerns. I remember, as a new member, being embarrassed to ask questions or express doubts. My lack of a...

Setting Worthwhile Goals

There's a quote I just love by popular LDS writer John Bytheway: "With nothing to shoot for, your life is shot." So let's talk about how to set reasonable, worthwhile goals that can give you something positive to shoot for. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “Happiness...

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