Family Movie Night: Ben-Hur

Family Movie Night: Ben-Hur

This week for Family Movie Night I really debated about my choice. Could you really get kids today to watch a 4 hour Ben-Hur? I remember watching it when I was little usually around Easter time but it seemed like too much to ask these days? However, with the remake...
Family Movie Night: Kubo

Family Movie Night: Kubo

There are some times when I wish I could force everyone to see certain movies. For reasons that don’t make any sense great films often get skipped when weak films like Smurfs make millions. As a film fan it can be very frustrating. Well, one film I would force you to...
Family Movie Night: Rio

Family Movie Night: Rio

I hope you are all enjoying the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro as much as I am. I’ve been a huge Olympics junkie all of my life and so whether summer or winter I love watching any event I can get my hands on. In tribute to the games in Rio I thought it would pick a...
Family Movie Night: Top 10 movies of 2016

Family Movie Night: Top 10 movies of 2016

This week for Family Movie Night I thought I would shake things up a bit and give you some insight into the year in movies for 2016. Honestly it’s been a bit rough and many films have disappointed me. Just to prove this point I didn’t really like Batman v Superman but...
Family Movie Night: Mary Poppins

Family Movie Night: Mary Poppins

You, my faithful readers, may think it is easy to write about the great films. That the prose should just flow when talking about the masterpieces. Unfortunately I have found the reverse to be true.  I sit there and stare at the screen and think ‘how do I capture how...
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