Don’t Take Your Marriage for Granted

Don’t Take Your Marriage for Granted

Occasionally, someone drops a load of bricks on my head to remind me not to get too complacent in my marriage.  Taking my marriage for granted could be very dangerous.  The first load of bricks hit me in my career as a legal secretary.  I worked in many law offices,...
The Power of Gentle Touch in Your Marriage

The Power of Gentle Touch in Your Marriage

My four children were between the ages of maybe 4 and 17 years old when they began dashing out the side door after church each Sunday as soon as the final “Amen.”  It took me a few weeks to discover what they were up to, but I was quite amused when it all came to...
Resolving Differences in Marriage

Resolving Differences in Marriage

Every married couple has differences of opinion, and every married couple argues from time to time.  Each time I hear someone say, “My spouse and I never fight,” the first word that comes to mind is, “Liar.”  Okay, so maybe I’m a little cynical, but maybe I’m just a...
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