How to Grow Old Together in Marriage

How to Grow Old Together in Marriage

I’m not going to sugar coat it.  There are some things about growing old that just stink.  Some of those things can make or break a marriage.  Sometimes our bodies feel quite young, but our minds get on a fast-moving train to nowhere.  Some people’s minds are as sharp...
Does Age Difference Affect Marriage?

Does Age Difference Affect Marriage?

My paternal grandfather was 12 years older than my grandmother.  My husband is 12 years older than I.  My oldest daughter is 12 years younger than her husband.  I know that’s a bizarre coincidence.  In addition, my niece married someone several years younger (I don’t...
Good Marriage Partners Contemplate Together

Good Marriage Partners Contemplate Together

“If couples contemplate often—with each other . . . —sacred covenants will be better remembered and kept. . . . [R]egular family scripture study [will] nourish a marriage and strengthen faith within a family.  Contemplation allows one to anticipate and to resonate (or...
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