by Walter Penning | Jan 9, 2019 | Walter Penning: Arise and Be Men
First, I must apologize. I had way more fun writing this article than you could ever have by reading it. I’m sorry. Nevertheless, I recently had an epiphany of sorts. We often think about leaving our personal histories for our families and posterities....
by Walter Penning | Jan 2, 2019 | Walter Penning: Arise and Be Men
Deception has a devious way of cheating us even when we think we are safe. The reason that this vice is so misleading is because we don’t even realize at the time that we are being taken (deceived). But we can recover before it’s too late. Please allow...
by Walter Penning | Dec 26, 2018 | Walter Penning: Arise and Be Men
“For at some moment in the water he must have realized that he would not live if he continued to hand over the rope and ring to others. He had to know it, no matter how gradual the effect of the cold. In his judgment he had no choice. When the helicopter took off with...
by Walter Penning | Dec 19, 2018 | Walter Penning: Arise and Be Men
Art is one of the great joys of this world. During my life, I have had the privilege of associating with some really great artists. Maybe I have had more than my share—or perhaps we all just need to recognize the plethora of incredible souls that have lived in our...
by Randall McNeely | Dec 15, 2018 | Randall McNeely: Pure Testimony
One day as the Savior was with a group of disciples, He started talking to them about treasure and the importance of laying up treasures in heaven. I was reading the verses depicted in this image and couldn’t help but ask myself again, “What does...