Come Unto Him

Come Unto Him

Everybody struggles.  Everyone has “demons” that drag them down.  There are addictions in our lives that we must fight to stay away from.  One of mine has always been food.  I love food!  I love baking, and cooking for my family.  I love experimenting with new...
You’re Not Alone

You’re Not Alone

  Discouragement is a tool of the adversary. It has no redeeming qualities. It serves only to perpetuate hopelessness and goes against everything rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We should be the happiest people in the world. We can be. I know we all still...
Growth Of My Soul

Growth Of My Soul

When I was in college I began collecting quotes that meant a lot to me.  I began when I was at BYU Idaho and had an amazing and inspirational professor.  His name is David Christensen, and he had a favorite poem.  He recited it often and encouraged us all to memorize...
Stay In The Boat

Stay In The Boat

We took a wild water adventure two weeks ago—metaphorically, that is—when I compared God’s plan to a water ride in a theme park. The long wait, the anticipation, the scary ride—and the excitement to do it all because we knew it would be worth it. Analogies are fine...
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