We took a wild water adventure two weeks ago—metaphorically, that is—when I compared God’s plan to a water ride in a theme park. The long wait, the anticipation, the scary ride—and the excitement to do it all because we knew it would be worth it. Analogies are fine when reading about them, but experiencing the real-life wild ride can be an altogether different circumstance. Life can be a long hard road filled with pain and disappointment. The eternal perspective seems so out of touch when the perils of life try to throw you overboard. But hang on—it’s worth the ride. Let’s compare life’s journey to a boating experience, making sure we remember who’s guiding the boat.

The rules for boating

sailboat-459794_640There are three simple rules for boating. Rule number one—stay in the boat. Whether you are taking a canoeing trip, kayaking a river, boating on a lake, or enjoying the water rides in a theme park, the same rule applies. Stay in the boat. While waters might look calm from the surface, they may have unseen dangers below. You never know what may be lurking in the water beneath—dangerous sea creatures, heavy currents, rocks or roots that may tangle and snare. Inside the boat is the safest place to be.

Rule number two—wear a life jacket. When the river is calm it may seem silly to wear a life jacket. It may be encumbering and feel stifling. I used to suit teenage girls up for canoeing during summer camp, and they would complain about how tight their life jacket needed to be. There was a reason—if it were not snug enough, it would bob up to the surface without them, leaving the girls underwater, unable to breathe. Life jackets are like seatbelts in a car—when worn properly they are the difference between life and death if an accident should occur.

Rule number three—let the guide do his job. In an amusement park, the guide suits you up and sends you on your way—he knows the waterways will lead you home. On a river rafting ride, there is often a guide who accompanies the party, someone who has traversed the waters before. He has experience to navigate skillfully, flawlessly. He should be trusted for his experience, his know how, and his desire to bring you safely home.

The rules for living

baby-399979_640The rules for living are remarkably similar. Rule number one—stay in “the boat.” The boat is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father set up the perfect plan for all of his children. It was a plan that would allow us to move on in our spiritual progression. Our spirits gained a body when we came to Earth. We were then allowed to experience all there is, including the blessings of worthy choices and the consequences of broken rules.

This plan would include joy and pain, happiness and sorrow, the sweetness of life and the bitterness of death—all for the fulfillment of His eternal plan, to bring to pass our own immortality and eternal life in the presence of God again. He accomplished this plan through the saving grace and atonement of Jesus Christ. No other spiritual leader on the earth can make the claim of being the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Indeed, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only “boat” that will make it down the river of life—the only way back to the loving arms of our Father in Heaven. Stay in the gospel.

Rule number two—wear a “life-jacket.” The life-jacket comprises the saving ordinances and commandments of the gospel. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repentance are the first principles of the gospel. Baptism by Immersion and Laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost are the first ordinances of the gospel. These, along with the commandments of God set forth in the scriptures, act as a life-jacket does when you are boating. Here’s how. Having faith in Jesus Christ opens our hearts to his eternal plan.

Repenting daily keeps us humble and sincere. Having the saving ordinances ensures we are following in His ways as He has set. Keeping the commandments tethers us to the Savior. When we “cinch up our life-jacket” by keeping our covenants, we ensure safety when the journey of life gets rough. We are less tempted to break the commandments. We have the faith to withstand what comes our way. Whatever tries to knock us out of the boat—that is, whatever tries to make us break away from His plan, cannot win.

fish-644365_640By keeping the commandments, we have the strength to resist the winds and rough waters that come our way.  Wearing our “life-jacket”—or keeping the commandments of God—does not guarantee that Earth life will be a smooth ride—it ensures we will make it through the roughest storms Satan throws our way. It keeps us afloat during our deepest trials saving us from going all the way under.

Sometimes when life is easy, we may forget to pay these rules any mind. We may think the “life-jacket” is too tight, too confining. We may break a few commandments here and there. We may even turn away from our covenants. This weakens us a little at a time. When we are weak, the storms of life take their toll and knock us out of the boat—they can drive us away from the gospel—the very vehicle that promises us a safe passage home. The Savior never rescinds on his invitation to come unto Him. It’s never too late to repent. Cinch up your life-jacket by keeping the commandments.

Rule number three—let the “guide” do his job. The guide is our Savior, Jesus Christ. As stated above, no other spiritual leader since the beginning of time has promised what Christ has—that he is the Son of God and that He has the power to save all mankind. By trusting in Jesus Christ, we gain strength to withstand the perils of this life. By remembering that Earth life is but a small moment in the eternal timeline of forever, we can keep a perspective that offers hope. By having faith that He will heal us, body and soul, that every anguish will be made right, and that all sins will be washed away, we can rest assured knowing the trials of life will be worth the eternal joys that wait.

To view more of Nanette's articles, click here.

To view more of Nanette’s articles, click here.

Life is a much longer journey than a water ride. If yours is especially rough at this time, if the trials you bear seem unending, if you are tempted to leave the gospel plan, hang on. Remember, our Savior has been through the roughest waters. He knows deeply and intimately what you are experiencing now. Recommit to Him and He will strengthen you so your burden may be light. With Christ as your guide, you can steadily navigate the waters of this existence and return to the safe port of eternal life with Him.


About Nanette ONeal
Nanette O'Neal loves the gospel and is very happy to share her testimony on LDS Blogs. She is a convert to the church and still feels the spirit burn strong within her heart. She graduated from Mason Gross School of the Arts with a degree in music education and has taught children and adults in the private and public sphere for over twenty years. Nanette continues to study the gospel and the art of writing. She writes weekly inspirational articles on her blog and is currently working on an LDS fantasy novel series, A Doorway Back to Forever. You can find her at NanetteONeal.blogspot.com. Nanette has a wonderful husband, talented son, and three beautiful dogs.

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