by Angel McRae
This year we will focus on first discovering where you are in your life with regards to where you want to go with your self-improvement. The topic of self-improvement is a very personal one. Becoming serene and comfortable in your own skin about who you are, where you come from, your future goals and desires is an important step in self-improvement. With that in mind the theme for this year is “Being Serene in 2014”. Every Thursday morning, a new article will appear in this series, so put it on your calendar!
January is all about gratitude for who, what and where you are in your life and setting goals.
February is all about loving yourself and others.
March is the time to prepare the foundation for strong new habits.
These first three months will be the building blocks and foundation to finding serenity within your everyday life. The most important thing for you to watch for and avoid is becoming so focused on becoming perfect you make yourself stressed out. Stressed out doesn’t go well with “Being Serene in 2014”. One way to avoid perfectionism is to know what it is and what it is not.
Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles gave a conference talk found in the November 1995 Ensign called “Perfection Pending”. In his talk Elder Nelson said, “Our understanding of perfection might be aided if we classify it into two categories. The first could pertain uniquely to this life-mortal perfection. The second category could pertain uniquely to the next life-immortal or eternal perfection.”
More recently Elder Cecil O. Samuelson of the Seventy spoke on March 19, 2002, at the Provo Missionary Training Center and gave a talk on perfection titled, “What Does It Mean to Be Perfect.” In his talk Elder Samuelson said, “Worthiness and perfection don’t mean the same thing! All of us are works in process.” Elder Samuelson also gives an explanation and comparison of the difference between perfectionism and doing your best.
In your efforts to “Being Serene in 2014” keep in mind that your best is all the Lord asks of us. So as we dig in and get started for this year start with a prayer of gratitude for your many blessing and ask Heavenly Father to guide you through this new journey.
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