I think the Fathers have it right. There are very few fathers that spend Father’s Day lamenting not being better fathers. They don’t beat themselves up for every small mistake, like many mothers do. Most men have an easier time sitting back and enjoying some family time without chores hanging over their heads. So, if you are one of those fathers, I applaud you. And I hope you enjoy your special day. You deserve the recognition for working to support your family. And I hope someone bakes you something.
I need to take a moment to thank my Dad. Growing up I didn’t appreciate what I had. My dad worked so hard to keep our large family fed, clothed and housed. We often rewarded him with more stress when he came home. But he always came home. And he took the time to teach us so many things. One of my favorite things was to help him in the garage.
Wood working
My dad loved to work with wood in his spare time. He built all kinds of things! He built a kitchen table so large we can still fit more than a dozen people around it. He built bunk beds, a couch, tables, and a lot of little things over the years. The smell of fresh sawdust still makes me smile, because it is the smell of a new and exciting project.
When I was a teenager my dad helped me make a hope chest. It was so cool! It had a seat back, or back rest, so it was a nice place to sit when it was closed. And it had storage underneath. I even made a pad for the seat, and it was so pretty. We worked on that for hours, getting the sides and back of it just right. We braced the seat, so adults could sit on it. And I sanded that thing till it was as smooth as butter. We stained it, varnished it, and it sat for years in my bedroom as a reminder of my dad’s love for me.
My parents also made sure there was a lot of camping in our lives as kids. I know now that it’s a good large family activity. But it is not an easy undertaking. There is so much preparation and work in camping. But we learned a lot and made so many good memories.
Back then I felt like the skills they were teaching us were preparation for some new age pioneer adventure. It wasn’t. But you know how kids are. Everything is an adventure. We learned how to build fires, whittle, and set up tents. I was a boy scout and didn’t even know it!
As an adult I can look back and appreciate how much effort those adventures must have taken. But we still did them on a regular basis. I have so many good memories of road trips and camping as a kid. My Dad is still taking his grand kids camping, and they are getting to build fun memories and become wilderness survival experts like we did.
On Mother’s Day I wrote about the mixed emotions I have surrounding Mother’s Day. And maybe it’s because I am not a man, but Father’s Day seems much simpler to me. There are not as many conflicting roles in a man’s life. He is a provider, friend, father, and guide. I am so glad to have such a good dad. He has always been my rock when I needed guidance.
As a young adult, I often felt unsure about decisions I needed to make. And my dad was always there to listen and give council. And as an LDS father, he embraced his role as a servant of God. I always got a blessing before school started. Whenever I was sick, he was there to give me a healing blessing. And when I needed the comfort only my Heavenly Father could provide; my dad was there to be the voice in a father’s blessing too.
Fathers blessings were one of the greatest sources of strength for me. I was out there trying to figure out the world. And I was trying to become independent. But having God’s guidance at that time was vital. And my dad was always there to provide that conduit to the Lord whenever I needed it. I am so grateful that he kept himself worthy. I never had to doubt that he would be ready to give me a blessing if I asked for it.
Happy Father’s Day
Dear fathers of the world, you need to know how much your kids love you. Even if you feel you have screwed up, they look up to you and appreciate anything and everything you do for them. Keep going. Keep trying. Life is hard but always keep your kids in mind. They are the ones who benefit most from your hard work, and they will never forget your efforts.
Dads matter more than you realize. You make a difference. And your actions are recorded in heaven. May you keep blessing your family, and all of the human family by your good works and your love. Happy Father’s Day
Patty Sampson
Patty thrives on all things creative. You’ll often find her in the garden pretending she is a suburban farmer. She loves meeting new people, and is devoted to her friends and family. In her heart she is a Midwesterner even though life has moved her all over the country. She believes in “blooming where you’re planted” and has found purpose in every place she has been. She has a deep and abiding love for the Savior and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And she loves editing LDS Blogs because it is a constant spiritual uplift. Not many people can say their job builds their witness of the Savior.
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