Family Home Evening – the Bond that Strengthens

At this link we read the following: Church leaders have instructed members to set aside Monday night as "family home evening." This is a time for families to study the gospel together and to do other activities that strengthen the family spiritually, create family...

Scriptures Can Be a Best Friend

Scriptures Can Be a Best Friend

Why study the scriptures? Because studying the scriptures helps us to understand several important aspects of our lives: Where did we come from? Why are we here? What does God expect from me? What awaits me after this life? I love the scriptures. They function for me...

Mormons in the News–November 2007

Here are some examples of Mormons and Mormon achievements recently highlighted in news venues across the United States. Orange County, California: Early morning seminary students in the Mission Viejo area were profiled in the Orange County Register on November 8. In a...

Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ ? Also known as Bread of Life, Cornerstone, God, Creator, Jehovah, Advocate, Judge, King, Lamb of God, Light of the World, Lord, Mediator, Messenger of the Covenant, Messiah, Only Begotten Son, Redeemer, Rock, Savior, Second Comforter, Son of Man, and...

John Taylor: The Origin and Destiny of Man

John Taylor: The Origin and Destiny of Man

"We are the offspring of God, and God in these last days has seen fit to place us in communication with himself. He has, through the revelations of himself and of his Son Jesus Christ, by the ministry of holy angels and by the restoration of the holy priesthood which...

Giving Thanks in All Things

You might think that there was nothing to be grateful for in the horrifying conditions of a Nazi concentration camp. On the contrary, the lesson that Corrie ten Boom learned there and shares with us in her book The Hiding Place impacted me greatly when I first read it...

Appointments With the Bishop

Appointments With the Bishop

The bishop is the leader of a ward (congregation), much like a pastor except he is not paid and does not work as the bishop full-time. Bishops have employment and families to take care of, as well as their wards. As a new member, you may find you need to meet with the...

Humble as a Little Child: Such is the Kingdom of Heaven

Humble as a Little Child: Such is the Kingdom of Heaven

“At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the , And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child,...

Understanding Truth From Error

Understanding Truth From Error

The prophet, Brigham Young said, This people believe in revelation. This people did believe and do believe that the Lord has spoken from the heavens. They did believe and do believe that God has sent angels to proclaim the everlasting Gospel, according to the...

And God Remembered Rachel

I agree with Elder Spencer J. Condie, a member of the quorum of the Seventy and president of the New Zealand/Pacific Islands area, "And God remembered Rachel," are some of the most beautiful words in the scriptures. Why? Because those four words show that He watches...

Mormon Persistance and Determination

Mormon Persistance and Determination

Mormons are an industrious people. From the very beginning of earthly time, God encouraged Adam to take care of the Garden of Eden and the animals which resided inside it. Everything God is about is self-improvement. He wants us to learn, to grow and to become the...

Mormons Make Covenants when Baptized

Mormons Make Covenants when Baptized

When members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as Mormons, are baptized there are special covenants (promises) made at that time between the individual and God. As the likelihood of eight-year olds (Mormons are baptized at eight) to...

Music – I am Grateful

Music – I am Grateful

As we approach the officially sanctioned season of thanks (all seasons really should be seasons of thanks), it becomes natural to ponder the things in our life that we are truly thankful for. One of these things, for me at least, is the great gift we have been given...

Standing Blameless Before God

Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day. (D&C 4:2) It's natural for people to want to be blameless. Or rather, it may not be so...

To the Mothers in Zion

To the Mothers in Zion

Shortly after we were married, my husband and I discussed starting our family. We both wanted a large family we had talked about this before we even decided to marry. But suddenly, everything that had been theoretical before now had practical applications. I had grown...

God’s hand in the journey of the Mayflower

A few years back, my grandmother discovered that we are direct descendants of three of the passengers who came to America on the Mayflower in 1620 - Edward Fuller, Stephen Hopkins and Constance Hopkins. I must admit that prior to learning this, my only thoughts about...

“Prepared for the Worst”

The Colorado Springs Gazette recently profiled a Mormon family who have followed the counsel of the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and built up an extensive food storage in their basement. Leaders of the Church have counseled members for...

The Last Millennium and Eternal Marriage

The Last Millennium and Eternal Marriage

A millennium is a period of a thousand years. By Divine decree, the . The 7th millennium commences with the second coming of Jesus Christ, when the resurrected Lord returns to earth in glory. Exactly what is God’s purpose for this thousand year period? And how is the...

Seek Learning…

Seek Learning…

"What a miracle is the human mind. Think of its power to assimilate knowledge, to analyze and synthesize. What a remarkable thing is learning... . It is something that need never stop. No matter how old we grow, we can acquire knowledge and use it..." President Gordon...

Come Unto Christ

Are you feeling worn down by all the negative influences that surround? Is it hard to keep your chin up when everyone seems intent on bringing you down? Is it getting harder and harder for you to see the good in the world around you? Then read on. Today is the day...

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