

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Ye Shall Have My Words literacy manual it says: We learn from the writings of Moses that God created Adam and Eve. He also gave them their language. Using this language, angels taught Adam and Eve the gospel (see...

George Osmond – Patriarch of the Osmond Clan

George Osmond – Patriarch of the Osmond Clan

Today, George Osmond passed from this life and returned to that heavenly home from whence he came. As the patriarch of the Osmond Family, he and his wife, Olive, worked hard to , then Jimmy. During the 60’s and 70’s they ruled the airwaves and yet remained true to the...

Find Time to Connect With Your Kids

Whether you’re married or a single parent, whether both parents work out of the home or one of you stays home with the kids, finding time to truly connect with your young ones can be terribly difficult at times. When children are younger they need your attention, even...

Stretch Your Spiritual Muscles

Stretch Your Spiritual Muscles

It’s always a little scary to do something you haven’t done before. During my senior year I still had to finish my gym requirements, and opted to take half a year of weight training. If I had known just how much I’d love the experience, I would have signed up for the...

When Disaster Strikes

Do you know which natural disasters can occur in your area? Do you know which could directly affect your home? The answers to these questions might seem obvious to you, but when I first moved to my current state, I wasn't aware of the threats to my home here. I'd...

Word of Wisdom: Revelation Given to the Prophet Joseph Smith

Word of Wisdom: Revelation Given to the Prophet Joseph Smith

One aspect of our faith as Mormons that sets us apart from other Christian and religious groups is something called “the Word of Wisdom.” It is contained within the Doctrine and Covenants (published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and can be read...

The Book of Mormon’s Witness – the Tender Mercy of the Lord.

The Book of Mormon’s Witness – the Tender Mercy of the Lord.

Nephi is the first prophet-historian we meet in the pages of the Book of Mormon. He was born into a culture that permeated life at Jerusalem. And within that culture, prophets were not foreign to the people during this time. In fact, many prophets had been sent by the...

What is the Melchizedek Priesthood?

What is the Melchizedek Priesthood?

“There are, in the church, two priesthoods, namely, the Melchizedek and Aaronic” (D&C 107:1). The Melchizedek Priesthood, which is “after the Order of the Son of God” (D&C 107:3), is the greater of these. It “holds the right of presidency, and has power and...

Understanding Your First Priesthood Blessings

Understanding Your First Priesthood Blessings

When I first started receiving priesthood blessings, beginning with those offered in my confirmation, I really didn’t understand them. I thought they were the same as fortune telling. When I was told in an early blessing that I would become a good teacher, I thought...

Heavenly Music

Heavenly Music

Have you ever fought back tears of gratitude while singing a hymn? ever felt the Spirit testify to you about the love of our Heavenly Father for you through a song? I have. I believe that we’ve all been touched by music at one point or another in our lives. Hopefully...

Happiness is Knowing Our Families Are Eternal

Happiness is Knowing Our Families Are Eternal

Take a moment and picture the eternities. What do you see for yourself? I used to have rather ephemeral visions of heaven; maybe I would be transformed into an angel and is rather simple; to spend it in the company of my loved ones, experiencing the joys of familial...

Stand Out: Being Modest in an Immodest World

Stand Out: Being Modest in an Immodest World

When was the last time you tried to find a formal gown at the mall? Do you recall what you found? Did you find anything that was even remotely close to being modest? As formal events and prom season approaches, a lot of dream of a dress that will make their evening...

What Is the Pearl of Great Price?

What Is the Pearl of Great Price?

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day will through His prophets. We believe, use, and love the Bible, but there are other books in our scriptural canon that we use as well, including the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. Of the additional...

Did God Create the Earth in Seven Days?

Did God Create the Earth in Seven Days?

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints revere and honor the Bible as the word of God. They also have additional writings from Moses and from Abraham, as revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith. These writings clarify some important points about the...

FHE Idea: Build a Thankful Tree

FHE Idea: Build a Thankful Tree

I wrote Family Home Evening (FHE). The earlier in the month you do it, the more time your family can reflect on what they’re thankful for. What you’ll need: · Construction Paper – if you’re using 8 ½ x 11, use two or three brown sheets, depending on how big you want...

The Art of The “Thank You” Note

With November being the month Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, a day of gratitude, I though it might be a nice idea to discuss a delightful, yet sadly dying, skill. The art of the ‘Thank You’ note. A few years ago a woman played the most beautiful piano might imagine...

Happiness Is Staying Busy

Happiness Is Staying Busy

"Miserable people wallow. They just sit there. They don't have a "Things to Do" list, they have a "Things to Don't" list. They don't "go and do" they sit and stew." (John Bytheway, How To Be Totally Miserable, p.9) This year over 20,000 runners competed in the . It...

Friends Who Live the Life You’ve Abandoned

Some converts make huge changes in their lives when they join the church. They give up alcohol, tobacco, and various other parts of their lives they now consider inappropriate. Their moral standards have changed dramatically. This can lead to problems with old friends...

Coping With Friends Who Don’t Want You to Convert

Coping With Friends Who Don’t Want You to Convert

When I decided to join the church, my only and consider it their job to stop me from making what they thought was a mistake. However, that is just what happened. One of the challenges was that many of them knew all the standard anti-Mormon arguments. I didn’t know...

Order, Unity, Oneness: Authority to Act in the Name of Christ

During his mortal ministry, Christ ordained twelve apostles, and , the Lord bestowed the keys of the kingdom: “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt...

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