Martha’s Not So Bad, Either

Martha’s Not So Bad, Either

I know I just wrote about Becoming Mary. And that’s an excellent goal. We should be more like her. But today I’m thinking that becoming Martha really isn’t all that bad either. In two weeks, my husband’s rather large family is coming to stay with us. Over Thanksgiving...

The Joy of Fasting

The Joy of Fasting

Today is Fast Sunday. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the first Sunday of every month is a Fast and Testimony meeting. The members of the Church, forgo food and drink for two consecutive meals. "" (, gospel library) I love Fast and Testimony...

A Time When There is No Wheat?

My husband was reading in a catalog that we just received - it was a baking catalog. At the bottom of one of the pages was some fine print. He felt impressed to read it. Now mind you, he is busy and usually does not spend his time reading the fine appear initially....

The First Book of Nephi – Chapter One

The First Book of Nephi – Chapter One

If you've not had a chance to read from the Book of Mormon, you are in for a treat. It is very similar to the Bible, in that it contains the holy words of God. Its purpose is much like that of the Holy Bible - to bring people to Christ, to discover His redeeming love,...

There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today

Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine When the peaceful, happy moments roll. When Jesus shows His smiling face, There is sunshine in the soul. (LDS Hymn #227) It's difficult for me to find the words to express the feelings in my heart at this moment. This hymn says...

The United States Census 1790-1840

The United States Census 1790-1840

The first official census (after the revolution) conducted in the . The last one was taken in the year 2000 and the next one is planned for 2010. As stated in an earlier post, the United States of America has enacted a 72 year privacy law, meaning that census...

Face-Time at Dinner Time

Face-Time at Dinner Time

When was the last time you had an actual sit-down dinner with your whole clan? With dishes full at the table and people seated all around, facing each other? If you're like me, this was not something that was too common. I have children with varying ages and as such,...

Recipe: Playing with Peanut Butter

During the month of November the world celebrates their love of Peanut Butter. I know. Sounds weird, but these days there’s a day to celebrate just about anything. For any mother or father out there who fights the daily battle of finding things to feed even the...

Youth: Dip Into a Book Today

Youth: Dip Into a Book Today

As a youth one of my favorite pastimes was picking up my favorite book (of the moment), heading outside to our front porch, and delving into a fascinating story. I loved to travel through different times, worlds, or histories. A part of me could step into the shoes of...

Evangelical and Mormon Student Discussion

It just goes to show that people from different faiths can discuss their beliefs and differences together rationally and each come away enriched from the experience. Discussing deeply-held convictions can all too easily degenerate with several traditional Christians...

When Your Parents Won’t Let You Be Baptized

When Your Parents Won’t Let You Be Baptized

Have your parents told you that you may not be baptized until you’re eighteen (or another age they consider old enough to decide?) This is frustrating and upsetting to a teen with a testimony, but your time of waiting can be rewarding and fulfilling. Arguing with your...

Making Life Better for the Non-LDS Spouse

Making Life Better for the Non-LDS Spouse

Many adults join the church without their spouses. It can be challenging to come to church each week alone and to listen to lessons on eternal families when you don’t yet have one. Home life sometimes takes on new challenges as well, and the spouse may find it...

Jesus Christ, the Master Healer of Body and Soul

“And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou...

Alma the Younger: Compelling Conversion and Chiasmus

Alma the Younger: Compelling Conversion and Chiasmus

Alma the younger and Paul the Apostle have much in common: they both persecuted the followers of God, and ways by a heavenly visitation, and both yielded to their revelation of Light by humbly receiving the call to serve. Paul and Alma are the most prolific...

Be Proactive with Your Medical Needs

Be Proactive with Your Medical Needs

If you're like me, medical concerns, we were having multiple appointments a week for months on end. Needless to say, I burned out in "going to see the doctor." But medical needs are not to be ignored. So while we're discussing emergency preparedness, medical...

All Things Shall Be in Commotion

All Things Shall Be in Commotion

Elder Bruce R. McConkie stated: “We do not know when the calamities and troubles of the last days will fall upon any of us individuals or upon bodies of the Saints. The Lord deliberately withholds from us the day and hour of his coming and of the tribulations which...

Index Cards and Getting Ready for Emergencies

What do index cards have to do with emergency preparedness? Just read a bit further to see! Flash backwards a bit with me to an embarrassing moment in Wal-mart a few years back (2004 to be precise). I'm standing in line, , etc. Once he's through paying for his...

A Family Based on The Proclamation on the Family

Have you ever sat through a college course taught by a very knowledgeable instructor? I remember sitting in my science class in college during a versed in the sciences; the knowledge came effortlessly to him. Imagine the power and ability he had to wield that...

You Are Valued in the Eyes of God

You Are Valued in the Eyes of God

When Eve was placed in the Garden of Eden, many have used the fact that she was created of Adam and last because she was of the least importance in God’s eyes. Gordon B. Hinckley, our living prophet of God, said of this moment in history: “Woman is God’s supreme...

The Family is Falling Apart

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe in the account found in the Old Testament in Amos 3:7: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” As latter-day saints, or Mormons as so...

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