The Word of Wisdom
With obesity sweeping the nation in alarmingly large numbers, many are turning to a variety of diets, exercise programs, surgeries . . . anything that help to get and keep the weight off. The Lord revealed a "Word of Wisdom", that I believe will help all people...
The Restoration of Priesthood Authority
The priesthood is the eternal power and authority of God. Through the priesthood God created and governs the heavens and the earth. Through this power He redeems and exalts His children, bringing to pass “the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). God...
The Postmortal Reality of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ
Mormons believe the Bible in a comprehensive way; every detail of Bible doctrine is wholeheartedly received and accounted for by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (members of the Mormon church). The Bible records the following about the...
Life as a Mormon
Many people have an odd idea about Mormons and how we live. Because we adhere to certain standards it is a common belief that we don't have fun. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our fun just doesn't involve getting falling down-blind drunk in order to have...
The Role of Mormon Women
It is very odd how the world views Mormon women, the LDS Church and the rights and responsibilities of women. If we were to do what the world said we would eschew marriage, family and God. If we were to do what the world said we would seek after vain and self-serving...
Which Is the True Church?
As someone recently wrote on an online bulletin board I frequent, “Everyone thinks their church is the true church.” . So what sets the LDS Church above all others? How can you, as the youth of this church, explain this question in a way others can easily comprehend?...
The Doctrine and Covenants: God Speaks to Man Today
Maybe you already know that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormons, believe in the Bible as well as the Book of Mormon. But what about these other books we call scripture-the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price? Joseph Smith,...
How Do Mormons Pray?
Approaching our Heavenly Father in prayer comes , it is a daunting task: How do we pray to someone we can't see? What do we say? Does God care? Will He answer? The answer to the last two questions: Absolutely. Your Heavenly Father loves you tremendously and will...
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness (RAOGK)
Most genealogists have this in common - The excitement they feel from doing volunteer work, hoping to help others find out more about their ancestors and to feel that same thrill of discovery. Over the next little while we will be taking an in-depth look at some of...
Mormon Youth Seminary in the Florida News
The seminary program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - In this day of MTV youth and a society moving away from religion in general, finding a group of youth who meet together every morning before school to study the scriptures can seem unusual to...
New Mormon Church Leaders Sustained
I have to admit that I anticipated the October 2007 general conference with l insights that come from that experience. But, like many Church members, I was incredibly curious as to who would be called to serve in the First Presidency in the spot vacated by the passing...
Gordon B. Hinckley: A Living Prophet of God
“The time has come for us to stand a little taller, to of this, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” From the biographical sketch on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website, we learn the basic facts about Gordon B. Hinckley: Born in Salt...
A Firm Foundation: The Rock of Our Redeemer
The saying goes “there are no guarantees in life,” and this saying is true in terms of the imperfect promises of friends and the unexpected abuses of foe. Nevertheless in this life, there are perfect promises available--promises firm and sure, solid as a rock. One of...
Premortal Life and the Foreordination of Jesus Christ
“Behold, mine house is a house of order, saith e in my name? Or will I receive at your hands that which I have not appointed? And will I appoint unto you, saith the Lord, except it be by law, even as I and my Father ordained unto you, before the world was?” (D&C...
Family Search Indexing Calls for Volunteers
In a news release dated October 11, FamilySearch, the online family history resource of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, issued a call for volunteer indexers for a variety of projects. The specific projects mentioned are Mexican and other Latin...
What Is a Calling?
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one of the first words a new member may learn is calling. A calling is an official request for a member to serve in a particular position or responsibility within his/her ward (congregation) or stake (group of...
FHE Idea: Halloween Decorations
This is my kids’ favorite time of the year – the beginning of the holiday season. With just a few weeks left until Halloween, I thought some of you out there might enjoy these crafty ideas. be hung in a window or from a tree. The third is a colorful addition to those...
Sustaining Sister Beck
The first time I heard Sister Julie B. Beck speak as President of the Relief Society was during General Women’s Conference at the end of September. I was amazed by her bold speech and felt myself drawn into something much larger than myself. I knew that she was the...
Since I have made many suggestions about gathering information from others through email, message boards, volunteer requests and so forth, I thought it would be appropriate to address the subject of netiquette. Netiquette is a set of unofficial rules for behavior on...
Merrill Osmond: Man of God
Merrill Osmond, lead singer of the world renowned entertainers, The Osmond Brothers, was introduced to the world of entertainment at a very early age. Made famous on The Andy William Show, Merrill and his brothers, in a matter of years, took the world by storm. At the...