Are You Willing to Find the Truth?
This is one in a series of blog posts about Lauren's conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To read more about her experience, you can find the rest of her posts here. Halfway through summer, my friends and I made a road trip to Brigham...
Kindness Begins With Me
I read a quote this week that really struck me. It read, "Perfect maturity is when a person hurts you and you try to understand their situation and don't hurt them back." One of the most mature and Christ-like women I know did that very thing recently. I remember...
The Goal to Be a 12-Year-Old Eagle Scout
As a new year presses forward, I love celebrating goals achieved. I'm especially impressed by young people who see something they really want to achieve, set a goal, and work purposefully towards that goal. My nephew Brady did just that. He watched his brothers...
Time Out for Mom
By virtue of being a mother, I am “on alert” all of the time. In this state of greater awareness, we mothers notice the smallest item on the floor as a potential choking hazard for baby. We keep track of where our children are playing. We are pretty good at the memory...
“Come, Follow Me” Cultivates Spiritual Bonding
I've always been a people person. I enjoy talking with people, getting to know them, and developing meaningful relationships with them. Throughout my life, I've created connections with so many wonderful people, and I'm forever grateful for that. But in my quest to do...
A Letter to My Brother on the Priesthood
A letter written by Rory to his brother (with minor edits by the editor), full of wonderful advice and thoughtful insights on the priesthood and the blessings of being a priesthood holder. Little Brother, I want to wish you luck on your assignment to speak to...
It’s Gonna Be OKAY!
As you might imagine, I write my articles well in advance of publication. There are a lot of pieces that have to fall into place for this particular instance to be circulated on time and in order. So I just finished a difficult article you can read in a few...
Growing Old in Faith
A few days ago, I saw a short clip of an interview with Wendy Nelson, wife of President Russell M. Nelson. My ears perked up as she said that when she gets little aches and pains associated with the aging process, President Nelson says, “Isn’t it wonderful?! You see...
A Beet Smoothie and a Changed Perspective
While visiting my parents, my mom suggested making a Hot Pink Smoothie for breakfast. I asked if she'd moved on from regular green smoothies. She laughed and said she thought I'd like it. Sounded fun. I love most smoothies. I started working and then the Hot...
Feeling the Spirit: The Importance of Having a Humble Heart
This is one in a series of articles detailing Lauren's beautiful conversion story. To read the rest, click here. It is hard for me to pinpoint an exact moment I knew The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was true. Thinking back to it, that...
Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?
How I love reading the Book of Mormon and asking questions based on verses I’m reading! This morning I’ve been reading in 1 Nephi 3 when Lehi tells Nephi that the Lord wants him and his brothers to go back to Jerusalem and get the brass plates. When speaking to...
3 Things Every Man Needs to Have in Mind While Courting
In a day and age where the institution of marriage is subject to more attacks from the devil than ever before, it is more imperative than ever for us guys to approach the search for Mrs. Right with the most important parts of a marriage at the forefront of our...
No Fear
We are surrounded by angels on both sides of the veil. Today is a unique circumstance in time. I could elaborate ad nauseam on the amazing uproar and chaos that is rampant on all sides of the globe. Every which way one turns, there is conflict and disorder. But...
What is So Special About This Book?
The Lord has told us in these latter days to hasten the work of gathering His sheep—meaning we must accelerate the missionary work we do around the world. We constantly send out thousands of missionaries both young and old to accomplish this work. We are grateful when...
12 Things NOT to Say to An Autism Parent
Editor's Note: Abby's wonderful article does not and is not meant to represent all people with autism or parents with children on the spectrum; rather, this opinion post is meant to increase sensitivity toward and awareness of autism. Many inspiring ideas are found...
The Lord Is Bound When We Do What He Requires
Two verses in Doctrine and Covenants 82 sit adjacent and parallel on the page and address two parties of one covenant—me and the Lord. For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the...
Anything Can Be Fixed—Even You
It’s the beginning of a new year. The beginning of a new church schedule; the beginning of a new opportunity to strengthen my testimony. My thoughts go to a question I have to often ask myself: “Shawna, are you going to be self-motivated enough to do your...
“D” Day
Lady: “Why are you leaving? What have I done to cause you to want to leave?” Man: “You know why I’m leaving—you’re crazy and controlling. I can’t handle it anymore.” As he yelled these words at me and turned away, I smelled a cloud of pinch-nosed alcohol. Lady: “Have...
Until This Moment
Devoted husband and father Rory Mele is a brand new addition to our site! Rory's articles will focus on a variety of topics: raising an infant daughter with Down Syndrome, coming back to the Church after excommunication, and finding joy in the gospel of Jesus Christ....
The Work is Hastening
First, I must apologize. I had way more fun writing this article than you could ever have by reading it. I’m sorry. Nevertheless, I recently had an epiphany of sorts. We often think about leaving our personal histories for our families and posterities....