Bearing Fruit

Bearing Fruit

All winter I contemplated the tree in my new backyard. The realtor had said it was a fruit tree, but didn’t specify what kind and I hadn’t thought to ask. In the spring, small white blossoms grew on bare branches. Then a late frost killed all the flowers and with...
Am I Ready to Be Clean?

Am I Ready to Be Clean?

As I was giving my dog, Casper, a bath, he was sitting on his feet. Actually, everything that he could possibly hide from me was underneath him: feet, legs, tail, stomach, etc. He even had his head tucked in tight. The only thing I could reach without a fight was his...
Agency and God’s Love

Agency and God’s Love

One important tenant of faith in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that of agency. We believe that God granted each of us the right to make choices for ourselves. Just as a wise earthly parent allows his children to make certain decisions alone and to...
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