We can all make a pretty good list of our bad habits. For the most part, we can easily rid ourselves of those bad habits and not have it be a part of our lives if we choose to. But what about those habits that seem to be more difficult to overcome? For example- Talking poorly about yourself? I know that’s got to be on everyone’s list in one version or another.

I have a good friend I’ve known for more than half of my life whose free spirit is just one of the many things I look up to. The other day we had a conversation and she asked me a question along these lines “What if it’s me, what if I’m doing something wrong, and what if I’m the one that messes everything up?” My response was a laugh followed by, “You’re crazy.”

Now I know that wasn’t necessarily the response she was wanting, but she was talking crazy! I told her that she should never blame herself for something that just didn’t work out.  And that if she knew she did all she could and believed in that, to then accept it and treat it as another lesson learned and keep moving forward.

girl-470690_640We should always remember that we are not perfect and we will always be in situations where we blame ourselves for something. I know that to be 100% true because I’ve been there. I may be the world’s biggest critic of myself because of how I can pick at my flaws and everything about me, and that can break me down.

There are times where I bluntly think – ‘Wow, I’m terrible.’ It took me a while to really understand the basics of knowing that I’m not perfect. There’s a simple phrase that goes, “You are not the mistakes you’ve made.” – I feel that ties in so well with understanding that it’s okay to not be perfect and to accept that you’ll probably never be in this life.

Here are some of the things I remind myself of when I’m getting down.

#1- Because I make mistakes doesn’t make me less worthy to receive the help and love of my heavenly father.

#2- Treat those “mistakes” as lessons to be learned and to really learn from it, so I can avoid making them again.

#3- I don’t ever entertain the thought of “No one knows how I’m feeling.”

#4- Most importantly, I always forgive myself so God is able to take the pain away and lead me back on the path where I’ll find true happiness.

We truly have so much in this life that can help us stop speaking and feeling poorly about ourselves. Whenever you feel yourself piling on one thing after another that you dislike about yourself, stop. Talk to your family and friends and vent to them. Sometimes we think we are alone in our feelings of guilt or shame, but you are so not alone. Again, no one is perfect. Now what’s really great about that is we are able to still keep trying over and over again, to be the best we could be in this life! I think that’s such an awesome way to think of it.

Don’t give up on yourself and all the more you can be.

To read more of Jen Narra's articles, click here,

To read more of Jen Narra’s articles, click here,

When you make a mistake, acknowledge it. Learn why that mistake led you to feeling down or guilty.  Apologize to whom you need to. Then forgive yourself. You’re not alone. The only real mistake you can make in your life is not thinking you’ve made any mistakes.

Continue to always do your best in life!

“Be mindful of your self-talk. It is a conversation with the universe. You are a being, full of infinite possibilities! Focus your mind with positivity and you will have dictated the direction of your journey, your soul and your being, cascading in infinite abundance.”   ― Angie Karan

About Jen Narra
Jen has been inspired to give encouragement and faith through her uplifting writings. Her posts focus on overcoming the trials of life in hopes that they can help others in need. Jen has a love for the gospel of Jesus Christ and is happy to continue to spread His word to the world here on LDS Blogs.

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