Agency and God’s Love

Agency and God’s Love

One important tenant of faith in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that of agency. We believe that God granted each of us the right to make choices for ourselves. Just as a wise earthly parent allows his children to make certain decisions alone and to...

Special Occasions and Eternal Consequences

Special Occasions and Eternal Consequences

At some point in my childhood, my mother decided to use her good silver every day. She loved her silverware and wanted to enjoy it instead of saving it for special occasions. She knew this was risky business with four children, a dishwasher to tarnish, and a garbage...

You Can Find Light In Darkness

You Can Find Light In Darkness

Scriptural references to Light fascinate me, especially about light in darkness. Light continues to be my most studied topic. Doctrine and Covenants 88 and 93 are especially favorite chapters. These verses from Doctrine and Covenants 88 fill my mind with so many...

Figuring Things Out

Figuring Things Out

I would like to begin by acknowledging that in the last couple of months, I have finally felt like my life is falling into place.   That sounds rather dramatic. I don’t mean to say that my life was ever truly “out of sorts," but rather that I never felt like I...

Is Someone Watching You?

Is Someone Watching You?

You almost never know if you are being observed or judged by others — if someone is, so to speak, watching you. The following event did happen and proves we all must be on guard about what we do and who we are.   While I was growing up in the state of New York,...

Flora Patton Shows Us How to Let Our Lights Shine

Flora Patton Shows Us How to Let Our Lights Shine

I want to tell you about someone I completely love and admire, someone who has taught me more about the innate desire to fit in and include others, have a distinct purpose, and make a difference with her talents than anyone else I have ever known. I want to introduce...

Self-Talk and a Sound Mind

Self-Talk and a Sound Mind

Anyone remember wearing a mood ring? So groovy how it would change colors based on your feelings. As a tween, I had something like a mood ring. It was a sticker you put on your hand to monitor your stress. If you felt calm and relaxed, the color was brown. The more...

Reading vs. Studying

Reading vs. Studying

I have been reading the Book of Mormon on nearly a daily basis for several years. My husband and I read a chapter together each night. When we get to the end of Moroni, we begin again at 1 Nephi. It is a relief to make that transition from the complete destruction of...

Our Gateway

Our Gateway

“The first shall be last and the last shall be first” — here is a link to what I think is a pretty good explanation of this scripture.   I struggled with the meaning of this verse when I first heard it. In my mind’s eye, I can remember approaching my father when...

Spiritual Gifts and Experiences

Spiritual Gifts and Experiences

Watching my grandchildren grow up has been a wonderfully enlightening experience on many levels. I marvel at the spiritual gifts they have been given. As they discover their own gifts, it is amazing to me how they develop those gifts and learn to use them. One of my...

7 Steps To Increase The Power Of Your Prayers

7 Steps To Increase The Power Of Your Prayers

COVID keeps teaching me new things. Before the temples closed, I was a heavy prayer roll user. I believe in the power of prayer. Anyone in my family who was sick, injured, or struggling was automatically added to the temple prayer roll. I have always seen it as my...

“That Same Spirit” — What Does That Even Mean?

“That Same Spirit” — What Does That Even Mean?

Through the years, I've thought a lot about Amulek's statement that "that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world." If I wake up in the spirit...



This year—2020—is a good time to talk about vision, pun intended. If we can’t see clearly during this year of chaos, maybe we need to refocus.   Pandemic, hardship, job loss, economic chaos—many feel they have been sideswiped this year. Could all this devastation...

Through Thorny Ways

Through Thorny Ways

Words to two of my favorite hymns have been on repeat in my mind this week:   Be still, my soul: Thy best, thy heav’nly Friend Thru thorny ways leads to a joyful end.   The other, a primary song:   When Christ was on the earth, He promised he would send...

Spirit Series, Chapter 3: Spirits And Our Powerful God

Spirit Series, Chapter 3: Spirits And Our Powerful God

We have discussed seeing spirits and having dreams of deceased loved ones. But I think it's time we also discuss how powerful God is, and how He will support us in dark times. We may have feelings that we may dismiss, but those are often communications from God or...

Repent and Sandblast Your Foundation

Repent and Sandblast Your Foundation

During construction of the Lubbock Texas Temple, the building coordinator told us stories about building details I'd never even considered. He asked if we'd ever signed our names on a concrete floor before it was covered in carpet or on studs before hanging sheetrock....

Go Forward Without Fear

Go Forward Without Fear

“Therefore, hold on thy way, and the priesthood shall remain with thee; for their bounds are set, they cannot pass. Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever” (Doctrine...

Constant Vigilance

Constant Vigilance

It is said that an elephant never forgets, but an elephant’s memory is nothing compared to the persistence of a squirrel. When it comes to swiping food from a bird feeder, squirrels never give up.    Ever.   When I first hung a feeder in my back yard, I was...

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