Why Mormons Believe in Being Prepared
We as Mormons believe the prophets. Whether those prophets are ancient ones or current ones, we believe them and that they speak the Lord's word. We base this on the scripture in Amos 3:7: "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his...
Though the World May Appear to Be Falling Apart …
Is there any need to fear when events in the world appear at times to be so horrific? In today’s world, one only need pick up a local newspaper to read frightening news. Whether it is about a wheat virus threatening the world’s food supplies or whether the news report...
As Mormons we believe the glory of God is intelligence. In D&C 93:36 we read: "The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth." As such, education is an important component for those who belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day...
Strengthening the Family
Studies have shown that families who go on an outing once a week are more successful in raising balanced children. Perhaps this is not surprising to you, but it surprised me. Honestly, our family had become so busy with so many individual activities that a family...
Work, Work, Work …
What do we do when our children do not want to work around the home? Is this a problem or is it not? And what is the Lord's perspective? As Mormons, we believe families can be together forever. This is a great thing. That is why everything we do as parents is done (or...
The Family
Just what is the Lord's perspective on the family? Have you ever wondered? There sure seem to be a lot of people "in the world" who have opinions. Some say that families don't matter, others say that they do. Studies show that having stable families with both a mother...
Sharing Your New Religion
Someone helped you join the church. Whether it was a friend, a missionary, or a ward member, there are people behind each conversion. Now that you’ve been helped to find the gospel, it’s your turn to be a missionary. You may find yourself thinking, “I can’t do...
Bearing Testimony in Testimony Meeting
On the first Sunday of each month, we have a Sacrament Meeting that is just a bit different. Instead of having assigned speakers, we have a testimony meeting. Any member of the church is welcome to come to the microphone and share a brief, heartfelt testimony. If you...
How to Be a Good Class Member
When you first came to church, you might have sat quietly in the back of the room, listening and trying to understand the lesson and the language. Now that you’re feeling a little more at home, how can you become an effective class member? The first step is to come to...
Scripture Study Techniques – Prayer
The scriptures are inspired tools for our growth toward God. Through them we can learn of His ways, His desires for us, and what He expects from us as His children. This all excites me to no end. And it is why I desire to show Him I value my scriptures by reading from...
Scripture is Given by Inspiration of God
In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 we read: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." Isn't this...
The Pearl of Great Price
Mormons will refer to "the Pearl of Great Price." But how confusing to someone who is just learning about our faith and membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Just what is "the Pearl of Great Price"? First of all, the Pearl of Great Price is...
Joy in Feasting Upon the Scriptures
Missionaries know that very little teaching is needed once a person has read the Book of Mormon with an open heart. So little added instruction is needed because the Spirit will bear witness of the truth of the book all on it's own. Because of this, missionaries...
Hannah Kept Her Promise to the Lord
* Story taken from 1 Samuel Chapter 1, KJV * Even before he was born a baby named Samuel was promised to be a servant to the Lord. His mother, Hannah, couldn’t have any kids and this made her very sad. To be a mother is a wonderful gift and back in the days of Samuel...
Teens: The Importance of Staying Chaste
In this day and age we are frequently tempted to stray away from the path of chastity and virtue, and the temptations are focusing on younger generations. Satan knows if he can get to you in your youth, odds are he’ll have you for life. He encourages you to seek after...
The Fall ? The Atonement and Resurrection ? The Restoration
Before the world began we were all residing in heaven with our Heavenly Father. At the time, with His children all around Him, the Father presented a plan in which all of us would have the chance to return to Him and attain our eternal glory. Two sons stepped forward,...
Establish Morning Family Prayer
“Cry unto him in your house, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.” Alma 34:21 It happens to our family every morning as I pull into a space at the school parking lot. I turn off the car, look behind me, and pick a child to help give our...
Teens: It All Starts With a Kiss
It’s a tricky subject at any age. No one really wants to talk about it, yet the importance of an open and honest discussion is becoming vital. Over the next few posts I’m going to tackle the topic of the sacred power of procreation, the blessings of keeping chaste,...
A Mormon Makeover
A couple of years ago, I was sitting in a store and a woman walked by with her pre-teen boy. The boy obviously loved his mother and was staying close to her. They were talking about getting something for Dad. The woman didn’t seem particularly attractive to me. I...
Service and Smiles
A sentiment that I’ve heard quite a bit over the years in discussions of service is that sometimes "all people need is a smile". Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about that and wondering about the times in my life when a smile was all it took to change my...